
Scholarship Application

  • Scholarship requirements are as follows:

    1) Make an income of less than $50,000 (no dependents) or $70,000 (with dependents). Dependent is self-defined and includes anyone whose care you are financially responsible for. Some examples include children, family that you financially support outside of the country, and grandparents who live with you.

    2) Have asked for support by the organization you work or volunteer for and been denied.

    3) Work or volunteer for an organization with an annual combined (c3/c4/PAC) budget under $300,000.

  • Full. Your course is 100% funded.

  • There are at least two scholarships per course.

    If for any reason we have late drop-outs, we fill those slots with scholarship applicants.

  • Not intensive!

    Each answer is the length of 2 tweets—and we want you to spend as much time answering them as you’d spend on a tweet!

    If you have applied before, feel free to use your same responses again.

  • We make scholarship decisions on four fronts:

    1) Current proximity to the work, i.e. currently in the movement vs wanting to be.

    2) Self-written organizational need statement. Tell us why your organization can’t fund your tuition.

    3) Self-written impact statement. Tell us how this will materially impact your work.

    4) Self-written description of the work you and your organization do. We’re looking to fund movement organizations with our scholarships and are simply looking for alignment here. This doesn’t need to be a case for support.

    Everyone who is aligned with our mission and meets the requirements is accepted into our scholarship decision making round. From there, we choose applicants based on the budget size of the organization you work or volunteer for.

  • Scholarships close 28 days (four Thursdays or Tuesdays) before the course. We will let you know 21 days (three Thursdays or Tuesdays) before the course if you have received a scholarship.

    If we ever have someone who is unable to make a course last minute, we also will offer this slot to offer a scholarship applicant, so if you want to apply after the 28 cut-off, please do.

    We also will put you in the next round automatically if you apply after the cut-off.

  • To meet the demand of all the scholarship applicants who apply to us, we only give applicants and organizations one scholarship per Gregorian calendar year.

  • In 2022, when we opened scholarship applications for one of our courses, we had 8 spots and over 40 applications.

    This is why one of our requirements for a scholarship is that your organization has denied you funding.

    We ask organizations that can afford the tuition fees pay them to leave space for students who truly cannot go without a scholarship.