Anti-Capitalist Fundraising Theory Academy.


Tuesdays: Sept 2-23, 2025

1-3pm EST

This course is a deep-dive into anticapitalist movement theory, applied to fundraising.

In the same way that organizers need to know the history, strategy, and theory behind how we organize movements, fundraisers need strong philosophies and theories of change to keep us grounded and shift the negative perceptions in our movement around fundraising that keep us from raising the money we need to win key victories in our lifetime.

  • This course has 6 live-taught modules. *

    1) History of money in the movement

    2) Fundraising is organizing

    3) Why traditional fundraising isn’t for us

    4) Jargon isn’t a theory: how to navigate trendy buzzwords and stay rooted

    5) Personal fundraising philosophy creation

    6) You can’t do it alone: Organizational culture shift crash course

    *This class is one of our only classes that also includes homework, which is a series of readings we ask you to read before class.

  • This course has three clear outcomes:

    1) Participants create their own theory of fundraising.

    2) Participants develop an understanding of why movements need to move money to win power and why movement fundraising doesn’t always align with traditional fundraising advice.

    3) Participants feel confident moving others to these conclusions and creating cultures of fundraising in their organizations.

  • 1) Anyone who wants to take any of our other courses. It’s not required, but it will give you a really good foundation of the theory behind our classes before diving into our other courses.

    2) Brand new fundraisers.

    3) Associates, coordinators, and managers looking to level up their skills and understand their own vision—not just their boss’s.

    4) Anyone with no formal fundraising training who has been creating strategies via trial and error.

    5) Anyone who is new to management or directing looking to create a sharp program rooted in their values.

    6) Organizations who want to get all hands on deck with fundraising.

  • Kirstie has taught this course since 2021 in different variations, starting as Move Money Build Power Academy. Fundraising Theory Academy is in its final form.

    Over 100 students have taken this course. Kirstie teaches this course to all of her private clients.

    Her clients create massive shifts in their organizations using this model of philosophy creation, with many of them going from siloed fundraising programs to integrated fundraising cultures in under a year.

  • We are offering two scholarships for this course. To apply, please go to our scholarship page.

  • We ask about access in all of our sign-up forms. We can accommodate most needs (needing slides ahead of time, needing slides a certain size, needing alt text, etc). We also can accommodate closed captioning.

    Other access needs like needing your camera off, needing breaks, not going into break out rooms, being told activities ahead of time, we can accommodate as well. If you’re not sure, reach out to We do our best to accommodate every access need we can.

Anticapitalist fundraising training for our movement.
